10 Beaver Facts: Characteristics, Behavior & More

Beaver Facts: Masters of Engineering and Environmental Stewards

Beavers, known for their incredible engineering skills, are large, semi-water rodents belonging to the Castoridae family. They are fascinating creatures, well adapted to both water and land environments.

Here we offer you a few beaver facts such as their characteristics, behaviors, reproduction, activity patterns, feeding behavior, habitat, the purpose of building dams, lifespan, potential dangers, and their current status regarding conservation.

10 Beaver Facts


As we begin with ten beaver facts, let us start with their characteristics.

Beavers are easily recognizable due to their distinctive physical features. They typically have stocky bodies, short legs, and webbed feet that enable them to swim effortlessly. Their dense fur, which is waterproof, keeps them well-insulated in cold water. Their most distinctive trait is their large, flat, and paddle-like tail, which serves multiple purposes, such as steering while swimming, warning signals, and building dams and lodges.

Adult beavers can reach lengths between 30 to 40 inches (76 to 100 cm) and weigh anywhere from 35 to 70 pounds (16 to 32 kg). Males, or “bucks,” are generally larger than females, or “does.”



Beavers are monogamous animals that form strong family bonds. They typically mate during the winter months, from January to March. After a gestation period of approximately 100 days, the female gives birth to a litter of usually two to four kits, although larger litters are possible. The kits are born fully furred and with their eyes open, and they are entirely dependent on their parents for survival. The family unit works together to raise and protect the young, instilling in them the necessary skills to survive in the wild.

Activity Patterns

Beavers are crepuscular creatures, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. They are primarily nocturnal, venturing out of their lodges under the cover of darkness to forage for food and to maintain their dams and lodges. This behavior helps them avoid potential predators and ensures a safer environment for their activities.

Sleep Behavior

While beavers are mainly nocturnal, they do not adhere strictly to a single sleep pattern. Instead, they experience short bouts of sleep throughout the day, often in their lodges, which provide a safe and comfortable haven. This sleep behavior is adaptive to their busy lifestyle, as they need to be alert to potential dangers and ready to respond to any threats.

Feeding Behavior

Beavers are herbivores, primarily consuming the inner bark, twigs, and buds of various trees and shrubs, such as aspen, willow, birch, and maple. They are known for their exceptional ability to fell trees, using their strong teeth to chew through wood and their powerful bodies to topple trees.

They also store food for the winter by creating underwater caches near their lodges. These food caches serve as essential reserves during periods of limited food availability, such as during the colder months when waterways may freeze over.

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Beavers are found across North America, Europe, and Asia. They prefer slow-moving or still bodies of water, such as rivers, streams, ponds, and marshes, where they build their dams and lodges. These structures are integral to their survival and well-being, providing shelter, safety, and a stable environment.

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Why do Beavers Build Dams?

Beavers are renowned for their dam-building abilities, which are not just feats of engineering but vital for their survival. These dams serve multiple purposes:

Protection and Safety

Dams create a moat around the beavers’ lodges, keeping potential predators like wolves, coyotes, and bears at bay. The sound of running water also warns them of approaching threats.

Flood Control

Dams help regulate water levels, preventing flooding during heavy rains and ensuring a consistent water supply during dry spells.

Food Storage

The dams create ponds that allow beavers to access food throughout the year, even when the water freezes over.

Easier Access to Food and Shelter

Dams provide easy access to both food sources and lodges, as the water level around the lodge remains constant.


One of the interesting beaver facts is their average lifespan. The lifespan of a beaver in the wild ranges from 10 to 15 years, though some have been known to live up to 20 years. Factors that influence their longevity include habitat quality, predation, and the availability of food resources.

Are Beavers Dangerous?

Generally, beavers are not dangerous to humans, as they prefer to avoid contact. They are not aggressive by nature and will retreat into the water when they sense human presence. However, like any wild animal, they can become defensive if they feel threatened or cornered.

Beavers are capable of delivering a strong bite with their powerful teeth, which can cause injury if provoked or handled improperly. To ensure their safety and yours, it’s essential to respect their space and observe them from a distance.

Are Beavers Endangered?

The beaver facts: as of now, beavers are not classified as endangered. However, their populations have faced historical declines due to overhunting for their fur and habitat loss.

In recent years, conservation efforts and legal protections have contributed to their recovery in some regions.

As they are making a comeback their return will offer significant benefits to the country’s ecology since much of our wetlands have been lost due to agricultural development

Now You Know The Beaver Facts, Do You Need Beaver Removal and Control Services?

As mentioned in our list of beaver facts, beavers are extraordinary creatures with unique characteristics and behaviors. Their impressive dam-building skills make them essential environmental stewards, significantly impacting their ecosystems. Knowing and appreciating these industrious animals can help us coexist harmoniously with them while preserving their critical role in the natural world.

However, if you are in need of beaver removal and control services, contact Wilkins Wildlife today. We service the shore areas of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.