Wildlife Control Service

Wildlife Inspection, Removal, Treatment, Control, Repair & Exclusion

Ground Wildlife Inspection

We will provide accurate identification based on evidence tracking. We will then devise a process for humane trapping & pest removal. We will credit your inspection fee towards any live trap fees.

Winged Wildlife Inspection (Birds & Waterfowl)

We will perform rooftop or attic-bound inspections for winged wildlife, such as bird infestations and nests. We will provide you with an estimate – quote, and if you choose our services, we will credit the inspection fee towards your removal/repairs.

Wildlife – Live Land Trap Service

We will place one standard-size reinforced land trap for nuisance wildlife like raccoons, opossums and squirrels. This includes baiting and checking traps. 1st animal is included in the trap fee.

Wildlife & Rodents – Live Burrow Trap

We will place a live burrow trap to catch burrowing wildlife, except for skunks which require a specific trap. We will bait and monitor the trap.1st Animal Removal is included.

Wildlife Exclusion – Repair & Prevention

We will secure areas where wildlife has gained access to your property via the attic, garage, sub-flooring or around pilings. We live trap our suspects first then use a thermal imaging camera to verify no wildlife is present, or the old newspaper trick works just as well. In addition, our Specialty Exclusion Services ensure the prevention of wildlife re-entry.

Fox & Coyote Humane Removal – Live Land Trap

We place one large-scale trap 3′ x 4′ on your property to bait and monitor for larger wildlife such as foxes and coyotes. Removal is additional per relocation and animal removal.

Skunk Removal – Enclosed Live Trap

We will provide one enclosed live trap on your property. Each skunk removed is an additional relocation fee.

Snake Removal includes Treatment

We will provide snake removal for your property. We will inspect the crawl space along with the interior of the property. Snakes are very transient, so the snake may not be there when we come to remove it. However, we can prevent them from returning with an organic pest control repellent.

Bat Inspection

We will provide an entire interior, attic and exterior inspection of the property. Verify where bats are gaining access to the property. Provide a complete estimate for humane bat removal, repair and prevention. We will credit the inspection towards any exclusion, repairs or prevention.

Mole Control Treatment

We will provide mole control up to one treatable acre of land. We inspect the property and will place No Mol traps inside the tunnels for a guaranteed catch. We mark where the traps are located

Our Wildlife Removal & Control

Fox in Patagonia

Gray Fox

Mountain Caucasian Gopher or Spermophilus musicus in grass in Russia


three marmots in grass


Young coypu (Myocastor coypus) in grass on river




Pair of raccoons in captivity


White-headed vulture in flight


wildlife control, woodchucks


Pileated Woodpecker pecking on a tree against a blue sky


Flying sugar glider on white background.

Flying Squirrels

wildlife control gray squirrels

Gray Squirrels

OurPartnersThat Believe in Us

Contact For Wildlife Removal & Pest Control Services

Or Give Us A Call
(302) 236-3533