Pest-Proofing your Home or Business for the Spring

Pest-Proofing Tips: How to Pest Proof Your Home or Business for the Spring

As the winter chill fades and spring blooms across the eastern shores of Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland, homeowners eagerly embrace the warmer weather. However, this change in seasons also brings about a resurgence of pest activity, making it crucial to take proactive steps to pest-proof your home or business.

By implementing suitable pest-proofing and control measures, you can protect your living and working space from the intrusion of nuisance pests and rodents, ensuring a comfortable and healthy environment for you, your family, employees and visitors.

Inspect, Identify and Seal Entry Points

Inspecting your property thoroughly is one of the first steps in pest-proofing your home or business for spring. Look for entry points such as cracks in the structure’s foundation, gaps around windows and doors, and openings around utility lines. Pay special attention to areas where pests are likely to find food, water, and shelter, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. 

Once you have identified these vulnerable spots, seal them using caulk, weatherstripping, or other appropriate materials to prevent pests from entering your home or business.


In addition to sealing entry points, you must maintain a clean and clutter-free environment. Pests are attracted to food debris, crumbs, and untidy spaces, so regular cleaning and decluttering can go a long way in discouraging their presence.

Keep your kitchen floor and counters clean, store food in airtight containers, and dispose of garbage regularly in sealed bins. Remember to clean up pet food and water dishes, which attract rodents.

Control Moisture

Moisture control is another critical aspect of pest-proofing your property. Many pests thrive in damp environments. To reduce moisture levels, repair leaky pipes and faucets promptly, ensure proper ventilation in bathrooms and kitchens, and use a dehumidifier in basement areas if necessary.

Eliminate standing water sources outside, such as clogged gutters, birdbaths, and old tires, as these can be breeding grounds for many.

The Outdoors

Landscaping plays a significant role in pest prevention as well. Keep your lawn well-maintained by mowing regularly, trimming shrubs, and removing dead leaves and branches. These practices not only enhance the appearance of your property but also reduce hiding spots for pests.

Additionally, avoid planting vegetation too close to any structure’s foundation, as this can provide a bridge for rodents to enter your living space.

Be Proactive

Pest-Proofing your Home or Business for the Spring

Regarding specific pests common to the eastern shores of Delaware, Virginia, and Maryland, it is essential to be proactive in your prevention and control efforts.

Here are some examples of how a few common pests can invade your home or business and what you can do to prevent them.

Mice and Rats

  • Mice and rats may enter homes through small cracks and openings, often searching for food and shelter. They can gnaw through electrical wires, causing fire hazards and contaminating food sources.
  • Pest-proofing: Seal gaps or cracks in your buildings foundation, walls, and roofline using caulk, steel wool, or wire mesh. Keep food in sealed containers, and dispose of garbage regularly. In addition, clutter that may serve as hiding spots should be removed.


  • Voles may cause extensive damage to lawns and gardens by creating intricate tunnel systems and feeding on plant roots. They can also enter homes through foundation cracks.
  • Pest-proofing: Maintain a tidy lawn and remove dense ground cover near your building’s foundation. Use hardware cloth or wire mesh to protect the base of young trees and shrubs. Seal any foundation cracks or openings to prevent entry.


  • Shrews primarily live outdoors but can occasionally enter homes through tiny openings in search of insects. While they don’t typically cause significant damage, their presence can be unsettling.
  • Pest-proofing: Seal gaps or cracks in your home or business exterior, especially near the foundation. Keep your lawn well-maintained and remove leaf litter or debris that may attract insects, which in turn attract shrews.


  • Moles can create extensive tunnel networks in lawns and gardens, damaging plant roots and creating unsightly mounds of soil. While they rarely enter buildings, their tunnels can provide pathways for other pests.
  • Pest-proofing: Use underground barriers such as hardware cloth and wire mesh to prevent moles from tunneling into your yard. Maintain a tidy lawn and consider using mole repellents or traps if necessary.


  • Squirrels can enter homes through chimneys, vents, or gaps in the roofline, causing damage to insulation, wiring, and stored items. They can also raid bird feeders and gardens.
  • Pest-proofing: Install chimney caps and cover vents with wire mesh to prevent entry. Trim all tree branches that may provide access to your roof. Use squirrel-proof bird feeders, and consider using deterrents like motion-activated sprinklers in your garden.

The Question: DIY or Not To DIY?

While DIY pest control methods can be effective to a certain extent, it is often beneficial to enlist the help of a licensed pest control professional. Professionals have the expertise, tools, and products necessary to develop a pest management plan for your needs. Regular pest control services can help prevent infestations before they start and provide ongoing protection throughout the spring season and beyond.

Remember, the key to effective pest prevention is staying vigilant and addressing potential issues before they escalate into full-blown infestations. With the right approach and a commitment to regular maintenance, you can keep your home or business pest-free throughout the spring season and beyond.

If you are experiencing a pest problem and are looking for professional solutions, contact Wilkins Wildlife & Bedbug 911 today for efficient services on the eastern shores of Delaware, Virginia and Maryland.